Program Activation

How to activate the ProfiCAD program

  1. Launch the ProfiCAD program.
  2. Click on "Help" in the top menu and then select "Activate".
  3. In the window that appears, enter the license key you received after purchasing the program. Keep the license key safe.
  4. After activating the program, the file "key.dat" will be created in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ProfiCAD. Back up this file. It is best to back up the entire directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ProfiCAD.

How to activate the program on a new computer

If you have lost your original computer or it has malfunctioned, there are two ways to activate the program on a new computer:

  1. Restore from backup: If you have created a backup of the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ProfiCAD (as described above), restore it on the new computer. This procedure does not require internet access.
  2. Activate with the license key: If you do not have a backup, try activating the program by re-entering your license key.

How to activate the program on a USB flash drive

  1. Copy the file "key.dat" from the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ProfiCAD to your USB flash drive.
  2. Make sure the file "key.dat" is in the same directory on the flash drive as the file ProfiCAD.exe.
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