How to Draw Electrical Diagrams

  1. Create a new drawing by selecting File - New or clicking the new file icon icon: new file.
  2. Select and configure the desired drawing size in the Print Settings and Page Size dialogs.
  3. If not already added, insert a title block using the 'Program Settings' command (F12 - Document - Title Block). Refer to the Insert a Title Block guide.
  4. If your project requires multiple layers, organize them in the Layers panel. Name each layer according to its specific function or content.
  5. To include a scanned floor plan, insert it into a lower layer.
  6. Start placing larger objects with a snap setting of 10 mm. Adjust this setting for finer placement as needed.
  7. Add symbols and other objects to your drawing, positioning them precisely. Leave a margin at the edges of the drawing to accommodate different printer requirements.
  8. Position all symbols, especially critical ones, before drawing connections. Moving symbols with attached wires can disrupt their connections.
  9. Switch to wire-drawing mode by pressing the s key. Draw major wires first, spanning the length of the drawing. To undo the last segment, press the Backspace key. End a connection in the air by pressing the right mouse button.
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