Title Block (Drawing Header) for Technical Drawings

A title block is a standardized section in a technical drawing that provides key information, including the drawing name, number, revision level, creation date, scale, and more. It is usually located in the lower-right corner of the drawing.

You can use the default title block provided by ProfiCAD or create a custom one.

Standard title block in ProfiCAD


Variables are used to automate text updates in the title block. By changing the variable's value for a drawing, the title block updates automatically. Use only English letters and numbers, avoiding spaces and special characters.

How Variables Work:

  1. In the title block editor, insert variables enclosed in curly brackets, e.g., {project_name}. Enter variable names without spaces or special characters.
  2. In the drawing, define variable values in the Variables window, without including the brackets. For example:
    Name Value
    project_name House Wiring
  3. The variable {project_name} in the title block will display as "House Wiring."

How to Customize the Title Block

  • Open the "File" menu and select "Open Title Block."
  • Choose a title block, such as "standard9.ptb."
  • Delete the ProfiCAD logo by selecting it and pressing the "Delete" key.
  • Insert your company logo using the "Insert - Image" command.
  • Adjust the text layout to fit your needs.
  • Add variables (enclosed in curly brackets).
  • Save the title block (Ctrl + S) and close it (Ctrl + W).
  • In the drawing, press F12, go to the "Title Block" tab, and click "Reload."

Creating a Title Block

To create a new title block, use the File - New Title Block command. You can also modify an existing title block and save it with a new name.

How to Insert a Title Block

a) For All Pages:

Press F12, select the Title Block tab, and click the Change button to select a title block. This will apply the title block to all pages without a specific title block assigned.

b) For a Specific Page:

Right-click on the page, select Page Settings, and go to the Title Block tab.

How to Specify Variable Values

a) For All Pages:

Press F12 and go to the Variables tab.

b) For a Specific Page:

Right-click on the page, select Page Settings, and choose the Variables tab.

Enter the variable name without curly brackets. Example:

Name Value
project_name Summer House Wiring

Title Block Settings

You can configure:

  • Distance from the page margins.
  • Position on the page (left, right, or bottom).
Title block setup dialog

Button Functions

Selects a different title block.
Saves a title block for future use.
Deletes the title block from the drawing.
Updates the title block with recent changes made in the editor.

Initial Title Block

Press F12, go to the Others tab, and select a default title block under "Initial Title Block for Drawings."

Drawing Symmetry

Ensure title blocks are drawn symmetrically along the workspace axes, with the x and y axes passing through the center of the block.

Incorrectly drawn title block
Example of an incorrectly drawn title block.
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