Working with objects

The following operations can be performed with objects (symbols, graphical shapes and text):

Selecting an object

Object (symbol or graphic object) can be selected by the left mouse button. If you want to select several objects at a time, press and hold the Ctrl + Shift keys while selecting the objects by clicking the left mouse button. If the objects we want to select are located in a rectangular area, we can select them in the following way:

1. click the left mouse button in the upper left corner of the area you want to select.

2. move the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the area you want to select while holding the left mouse button.

Cloning an object

Press and hold Ctrl key. Drag the object with mouse (as if you wanted to move it). A copy of the object is created.



The program supports the following ways to rotate symbols, images and standalone texts:

  • Using the menu Object - Rotate
  • Using these icons: rotating symbols
  • In panel Properties - item angle (enter tenths of degrees, e.g. 30° enter as 300)
  • By dragging the round handle of the image. The angle is adjusted in steps of 15°. If the Shift key is being pressed, any angle can be adjusted.

Rotating other objects

Use menu command Object - Rotating graphical shapes.


Symbols and some graphical objects can be flipped both vertically and horizontally. To flip an object use the menu commands Object - Flip horizontally or Flip vertically. You can also use icons from the toolbar to flip an object.

flipping objects horizontally and vertically


Choose the object (using your mouse or in the panel Explorer) and press Delete.

How to set the contour thickness and line type

A double-click on the line brings up the panel Properties where the line appearance can be set.


commands for aligning objects

Symbols, texts and graphical shapes can be aligned. Use the menu command View - Align. The alignment commands become available when at least two objects are selected. The alignment is always based on the object that has been selected first.

Changing the order of graphical shapes layers

Right-clicking on an object will show commands Move forward, Move more forward, Move more backward and Move backward.

change order

Availability of described operations

The following table summarizes operations, which can be performed with objects:

  symbols graphical shapes texts group of symbols
rotating YES rectangles and ellipses YES (only one row texts) NO
flipping YES lines, curves and polygons NO YES
alignment YES YES YES NO
changing the order of graphical shapes layers YES YES YES NO
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